
Large transport of steel gates in Venice

Introducing the MOSE project

Published: 03.09.2016.

The demanding operation of loading with self-propelled modular transporters (SPMT) electronically steered was performed from the company in the Group Brodosplit-Transportation Means Ltd.

Each ten days four steel gates are serially delivered at a time by loading them on a barge 'Archimedes' for transport of special cargoes with length 91,5 meter, width 27, 5 meters and the bearing capacity of the 9600 tons and until today were delivered twenty-one steel gates. Brodosplit will deliver a total of 63 gates with dimensions 27-30 x 20 meters, 4.5-5 meters high and 320-380 tons of weight altogether consisting of 20,000 tons built-in steel with the overall value of works and logistics of more than 70 million €.

After international tenders, Consorzio Venezia Nuova chose Shipbuilding Industry Split Inc. as the best bidder and officially selected contractor for construction of 63 steel floodgates for the inlets Malamocco, Chioggia and San Nicolo leading towards Venice through the Venetian Lagoon. Brodosplit is extremely proud of this Project because it will remain forever registered on the list of companies that participated in one of the biggest construction projects in Italian history.

The Mose is an integrated protection system consisting of 78 mobile gates that are capable of separating the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea in cases of tide higher than the established level (110 cm) up to the maximum of three meters.The MOSE mobile barriers have been designed to safeguard Venice and its lagoon from floods, which are becoming ever more frequent and intense.

The Mose consists of 4 mobile barriers at the lagoon inlets, the openings in the coastal strip that connect the lagoon to the Adriatic sea (Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia inlets) which are able to isolate, temporarily, for the duration of flooding , the lagoon from the sea and to block the flow of the incoming tide. For the rest of the time, they will remain invisible in the inlet channels.

Interventions for the construction of the MOSE barriers are carried out by the “Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti - Provveditorato Interregionale per le Opere Pubbliche di Veneto - Trentino Alto Adige - Friuli Venezia Giulia già Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia“ through the Consorzio Venezia Nuova.


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